Saturday morning our family participated in one of our annual fun runs: The Gary Burns 5K. It is sponsored by the Frisco Education Foundation & all of the money raised goes towards student scholarships. Obviously we are passionate about this since Bryan is on the school board! It is actually one of the biggest races in Frisco & it is fun because it is mostly families with children. There are a ton of kids who actually participate in the race & the high schools get very competitive with each other. We have a double stroller but neither of us wanted to run with both, so we grabbed our single strollers & took off with both girls:
I chose to run with Sophie because she weighs less :) I haven't ran a race competitively with a stroller before & it was definitely a challenge. I spent the first half of the race just trying to break free of the crowd without running someone over. In fact, I took a picture of me just trying to go across the starting line:
The problem with a fun run with lots of families is there are a lot of people walking, so I had to become a little aggressive & start yelling "Runner! Coming Through! Excuse Me!". Once I hit the halfway point, I finally got out of the traffic, but then the course switched directions & we were running against the wind & that was even worse :( I usually work out in the morning by myself so I'm not used to running with a stroller & I'm not going to lie - the resistance was not easy. But we finally crossed the finish line & met up with Bryan & Sadie:
Yeah, they smoked us :)
The next morning, I participated in a relay race with my sister in McKinney. We did the Esprit de She which is a duathalon that encompasses running 4 miles & biking 8 miles. I ran 2 miles & then she biked 8 & then I finished us out with another 2 miles. Natalie's sister-n-law & her mother-n-law also participated so we had a great time racing together:
I thought it would be easier since I didn't have to race with a stroller, but it was just as hard. I had a long week & had worked out every day, so I think by Sunday morning my body was physically exhausted. Usually that's my morning to sleep in :) Somehow I powered through & we finished strong! We got 8th place out of 32 teams, which I thought was pretty good for our first time to do this together!
It was fun crossing the finishing line because we had our own cheering section:
My Mom came in for the weekend & helped wrangle all of Natalie's kids while Bryan had both of the girls. Sadie was so excited to see me finish but she was even more excited when she saw my medal :)
Two fall races down, one more to go. We are registered for the turkey trot on Thanksgiving day so hopefully I will stay in shape during the holiday season!
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