Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Surprise Visit

My parents made a surprise visit on Sunday night & the girls were excited to see them. Technically, I knew they were coming, but the girls didn't. They didn't get here until after the girls went to bed, so they got to surprise them on Monday morning. It was a quick trip, but I think they enjoyed spending the day together. Sadie had swimming lessons that morning so she got to show off her skills & then we went to the mall. I had planned on going to the pumpkin patch or the park, but it stormed that morning & since it was wet outside, we found ways to entertain the girls inside instead. My mom treated Sadie to the Ladybug Express:

They also spent some time at the play ground:
And who can go to the mall & not ride the carousel?!
On Tuesday morning, they got to take Sadie to school & then they went to Sophie's swimming lessons. I think they were on the road home by mid-morning, so it was a quick trip, but a refreshing visit. Especially for me because Bryan has been out of town since Sunday, so I enjoyed the help :)

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