Thursday, October 9, 2014


As I've mentioned, Sophie finally started swimming lessons in September, so she has been going for about a month now. She is in the exact same water baby class that I did with Sadie, which is technically a "mommy & me" class. I mean it hasn't changed at all - it is the exact same songs & program that I have been doing with Sadie for the past 2 years! I was able to take advantage of having my parents in town so they could take photos since no one is ever there but me & I am always in the water with her :)

We always start the class with motorboats & she loves it:
They learn how to kick in their "boat" & chase balls, however, she may be more interested in the ball than the actual boat itself:
Besides kicking, they learn to splash & blow bubbles:
We are also teaching them how to "monkey walk" on the wall, which Sadie happens to love:
With this, they incorporate how to turn themselves in the water around to the wall & how to climb out in case they fall in.
We also sing London Bridge while the babies take turns floating on their back under the bridge:

Sadie still isn't crazy about floating on her back. I guess most kids don't like it, but it is definitely easier to make an infant float than a toddler!
We also have free time in class where we get to practice different circuits that encourage the "leap of faith", which teaches your children to jump out & swim to you on their own:
Some of the songs we sing are "the fishes in the pool" sang to the tune of "wheels on the bus", "I'm a little fishy" sang to the tune of "I'm a little tea pot", "hokey pokey" & "humpty dumpty". I am sure there are more, but I can't remember at the moment. I am sure I will always remember these songs since I have been singing them for over 2 years! Even when Sadie isn't in swim lessons, we practice them on our own while in the water.
During class, they also get to ride a duck & go down the slide. Sophie is already going under water too - this week she did 2-3 seconds. So far, she loves it & always pops up with a smile on her face!
I may dread dragging her to lessons this winter when it's freezing outside, but I think we are going to appreciate it next summer when we are enjoying our new pool!

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