Monday, September 22, 2014

Yee-Haws & Hee-Haws

Since the day Sadie rode her first carousel, she has been obsessed with them. She absolutely loves them & never gets bored. I mean seriously, she could ride it 5 times in a row :) So I am proud to say that her little sister finally got to experience that joy this past weekend:
We were not at the mall, but in the general vicinity on Saturday & Sadie kept saying that she wanted to go eat at the mall. For some reason she is obsessed with the mall & always wants to go eat in the food court. Maybe because that is where the carousel is?! And when we are with her dad, she always gets to go for a ride. Since all 4 of us were there, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for Sophie to try it & she loved it. For $5, all 4 of us got to ride it 3 times in a row. Talk about cheap entertainment for these 2!
* Side Note 1 - Please excuse Sadie's crazy hair. I believe it was fixed & she had a bow in it, but after shopping at the same store for several hours (we were buying patio furniture!), it somehow turned up like this.
** Side Note 2 - Sadie calls the carousel (or all horses for that matter) yee-haws & hee-haws. Sometimes it can be one or the other, depending on the day, but it's one of those cute things that I want to remember :)

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