Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Two Little Fishies

Sadie started swimming lessons when she was 6 months old but I waited with Sophie because we were in the pool all summer. She was so young & already being exposed to the water so I figured it wouldn't hurt if we waited & started when the weather cooled off. And now that Sadie is in school, I have extra time to spend just with Sophie, so we officially started her swimming lessons yesterday:

Of course I don't have pictures of her in the water because I was in the water with her :) We are doing the exact same Mommy & Me class that I did with Sadie, so it's fun because I already know all of the songs & exercises. I did get a picture of her new teacher:
She was great & it was a small class, so Sophie got a lot of extra attention. She is currently signed up for their winter lessons which run every week until the end of January. I will probably sign her up for the spring class as well which runs until the end of May & then hopefully she will be ready to conquer our new pool on her own :) In the meantime, I look forward to spending my Tuesday mornings with Sophie in the pool. The warm, indoor pool.

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