Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sophie - 9 Months Old

I can hardly believe it now that I am writing it, but my baby is officially 9 months old today! That means we are getting pretty close to celebrating her first birthday. The good news is that she is taking her sweet little time developing, so I am getting to enjoy the baby phase longer than I did with Sadie.
Sophie is a phenomenal sleeper, much like her sister. She is starting to drop her morning nap most days because she is so social & doesn't want to miss out. Which means she is sleeping even longer in the afternoon. Most days she sleeps about 3 hours for her afternoon nap. And she goes to bed at 8:00 & she wakes up between 8:00 - 9:00 the next morning, so she is easily going 12-13 hours.
She is not a fan of baby food. I have had a hard time with her eating. I feed her 3 times a day but I am lucky if she eats a half a jar of baby food. She loves baby yogurt & I can get her to eat fruit, but she will definitely not eat vegetables. At least 30 times, I have seen her choke when I give her vegetables - literally, her eyes get watery & she looks like she is choking & then she will throw up. I think she is just really picky about taste because she has never done this with fruit. Needless to say, I gave up on vegetables but I found the fruit/veggie combos & she will eat that. Since she isn't that motivated by baby food, I tried baby snacks & table food a few weeks ago. She definitely doesn't want anything if I am giving it to her but if I set it down for her to eat on her own, then she is happy. Luckily her pincer grasp has gotten better in the past few weeks, so she is a little better at feeding herself. She hasn't tried to many things but she loves baby mum mums & crackers. She loves her milk though - absolutely loves it. In fact, she wants that more than she wants food. She will take a sippy cup but for now we have only given her water in it. I think I am going to start doing one bottle a day in the sippy cup so we can transition her full time to sippy cups by the time she turns 1, Obviously I haven't been that worried about her, because she still looks healthy. She will discover food & enjoy it more the older she gets. It's just harder feeding her than Sadie because Sadie has always been a porker :)
I took her to the doctor yesterday & everything went well. She told me not to worry about baby food, just to keep giving her table food. She is definitely developing slower, but she is still within normal range. It took her much longer to sit by herself because she didn't have her balance. And Sadie was full on crawling by 8 months but Sophie isn't there yet. She still goes backwards & will get into a crawling position on all fours & rocks, but she hasn't taken that first move yet. Dr. Terry said normal range would be crawling by 10 months, so hopefully she'll start moving soon :) She did warn me though that since she has been slow to sit & crawl, she will probably be a later walker. I have to admit that I am trying not to be disappointed, but Sadie did everything early & it's hard not to compare. Also, I really thought that your second children did things faster, but apparently not in our case.
Another slow development is her teeth or the lack there of :) I would have to go back & check to verify, but I am pretty sure Sadie had at least 4 teeth by now. Sophie hasn't gotten a single one.
But I will say that she is adorable! She has the best smile & is always happy. She has her moments, but for the most part she goes with the flow & is an easy baby. This picture was taken at her doctor appointment yesterday:
As soon as I sat her down she got so excited & tore up all the paper. And that reminds me - another stark difference from Sadie. Sadie was always so calm & Sophie is my little firecracker. She is always busy - moving, shaking, grabbing, rolling - you gotta keep your eye on this girl!
Sophie is wearing 6-9 months clothing but I just unpacked her 12 month clothing for winter. I am sure some of it will be big on her but since we had an early cold snap, I figure I better have it ready. She is definitely bigger than Sadie was, but she is about average compared to other babies. She is definitely taller than Sadie, so her pants might be a little shorter :)
Nine Month Stats:
Weight: 18.56 lbs., 58%
Height: 27.75", 56%


  1. Olivia was always just a little behind on the motor skills. She sat up on her own late, didn't crawl until 10 months and didn't walk until 13 months. BUT she was (is) super verbal and talked very early. So maybe Sophie will be your talker!! :)

  2. We were the same around here! Addy was always really advanced. Elli is always just behind enough for the doctor not to be worried, but at the bottom of every curve! :) She is getting close to two now and still not very verbal. Addy does all her talking for her so she is soaking up being the baby a little longer I guess! :)
