Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Our friends invited us to a resort on Monday to celebrate Labor Day, so pretended like we were on vacation & enjoyed the amenities :) Meaning we spent the entire day at the pool but we may have ordered some yummy drinks & food while we were there!

This was probably the most fun Sophie had at the pool, probably since she is a little older. She spent her time soaking up the sun & floating around:
We even created the "make shift" high chair again so she could feed herself while I played with Sadie:
In fact, she had so much fun that she fell asleep in my arms while we were sitting on the side of the pool:
The top of my back & shoulders actually got sunburned because I sat here for almost an hour holding her & trying to keep her out of the sun while she napped. Sadie on the other hand never left the water. Even when we told her it was time to eat. She spent most of the day with her Dad practicing her skills. In fact, they hung out with James & Andy and I briefly got pictures of them racing each other:

I had a hard time getting pictures of her because she was entirely too busy to say cheese :) Until we got in the car & then I was able to sneak a picture because she couldn't go anywhere:
Sorry, she does have a diaper on, but we took her wet bathing suit off for the ride home & she didn't want to wear her bathing suit cover. But she's always rocking her sunglasses these days!
Thanks Nat for inviting us! We had a blast & it was a perfect way to end summer. So glad we got to hang out with you & your boys.

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