Thursday, September 4, 2014

MOPS Retreat

I am getting so excited because our fall schedule is finally starting to pick up after the lazy days of summer! We officially start MOPS next week, but since I am a group leader, we had training this week. We were supposed to have a retreat one weekend in August, but it's too hard to coordinate that many moms away from their families at the same time :) Personally, I think this turned out way better because it was during the week which got us out of the house (& making the house quiet for Bryan since he works from home!) brunch was included (and you know I love me some brunch!) and the girls thought they were going to school (well, Sadie did!). It was a good practice run to have all of us up, dressed, fed, bags packed & in the car by 9:00. I know that sounds late, but normally my girls are barely waking up at 9:00! Somehow we made it so I guess we will survive making it to MOPS & pre-school on time when everything starts again next week.
We actually have a MOPS party tonight & tomorrow we get to meet Sadie's new teacher. Boy oh boy am I excited about our fall routine again!

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