Monday, September 29, 2014

Sophie's First Tooth!

I have always heard that babies should get their first tooth around 6 months of age, which was true in Sadie's case, but not for Sophie. She finally got her first tooth at 9 1/2 months! Better late that never I suppose :) I finally felt it on Friday morning, 9/26 & it is a lower middle tooth. I was so excited when I felt it - even Sadie got excited because we have been checking her mouth every single day!

Along with her tooth, came another stomach bug :( She started vomiting last Thursday & it escalated on Saturday night. I finally had to start giving her zofran again on Sunday so she could keep a bottle down. I am not sure how this girl does it, but apparently she has a very weak immune system. I have a feeling she is going to be my child that gets sick all of the time. Guess I should feel blessed Sadie has always been pretty healthy. After sleeping a lot this weekend, she finally woke up from her nap last night feeling a little better:
Yes, I am that mom that resorts to her being naked when she is that sick. There is only so much laundry I can do......

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