Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Schedule

Since our fall schedule picked up after labor day, we have been busy. Honestly, I don't think a single day went by in September where we didn't have something on the calendar. We have made a few road trips out of town on the weekend plus we've had all this work going on at our house. Whew - I am exhausted just thinking about it all! But we have had some fun play dates in the past week. One morning we met our MOPS table for a play date at Hope Park:

The girls loved swinging. In fact, we spent most of our time at the swings. There were several moms there from our group with their kids, but everyone was so spread out chasing their children around. We finally connected with Britney when we stopped to let the kids have a snack:

We also were invited over for a play date at one of our neighbor's house. We met briefly last year at our neighborhood park & realized that we had daughters the same age & were both pregnant at the same time. Fast forward to this summer when we reconnected & realized that our babies were born only a few days apart at the same hospital! And the girls go to Sonshine School together. It was so much fun finding a new neighbor who has kids our age so we can walk back & forth between our houses for play dates:

Sadie also went to a birthday party this past weekend. Her friends Adalyn & Brooklyn turned 3 & celebrated at WOGA:

Look at those future Olympians! The first picture is very characteristic of Sadie right now because she loves to hang & swing. The last picture shows her love of cake because yes, as always, she was the last one sitting there eating every single drop while the rest of the kids went back to playing :) But that middle picture cracks me up. I was trying to get a picture of the birthday girls & their cute cake, but apparently my daughter is so used to me taking pictures that she tried to photo bomb it!

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