Saturday, September 27, 2014

Backyard Oasis - Week 8

This week we saw a few busy days flanked by a few slow days. It seems to always drag at the end when you are mostly tying up loose pieces. On Monday our new back door was delivered & they came on Tuesday to install it. It took them all day - they had a lot of brick to bust out!

We ordered the exact same size door that matched the interior door however, instead of a solid core, I wanted one with a window. Since we took out the window, the bathroom would have been dark with no natural sunlight so I wanted the door to have a window. But I ordered the door that had the blinds already built into the window for privacy. It turned out really nice! Even though they covered everything inside the bathroom with plastic, it was still a disaster, so I spent an hour of my evening cleaning the bathroom because everything was covered with dust. Luckily I had bought a new shower curtain, but now the bathroom looks ready to entertain :)

On Wednesday, the stone guys were supposed to show up but they never did. Finally they made an appearance on Thursday & they started by working on the stone boot that goes on our column:
This is mostly for decoration, but we had them add a stone countertop to it on top so we could use it as a cocktail table:
We also had them re-do the stone around the trashcans. After they laid the pavers, it looked like the trash door was sitting on the ground & there was a lot of stone on top, so we had them adjust it to make it centered:

Bryan was also unsatisfied with the spill way from the hot tub, so he had them re-do the top layer of stone:
All of their work looks great except for the mortar - it dried a little darker than the original one did, so we'll see what happens with that. Other than that, the stone guys are officially finished :)
They also stained our stone countertops on Thursday, but I don't have any pictures of that. But I did get another picture of a dirt dump that afternoon:
On Friday, the clean up crew came to pick up all of the trash, rocks & debris. After that, they leveled everything off with the dirt & filled in all of the trenches & holes. Apparently, we are having our sprinkler system hooked back up next week & then we can move forward with landscaping!

Speaking of landscaping, we met with them last week & are already working on landscape design. He had some really good ideas & I think it will look great once we pull it all together. First, we need to add grass where the girls play area will be:
And we are having a new fence & gate added to block off our pool equipment from the porte-cochere:
Speaking of new fence, that has been a pain in our side this past week. They were supposed to start & be finished with our new fence this week, but I think the roofer was giving us the run around. Our roofer is subcontracting everything out since he is handling our claim with our insurance company. But someone came by the house today & got our measurements again & they claim they will be here first thing Monday morning & it will take 3 days. We'll see......
Also on Friday, they painted our new back door:
You can see the blinds in this picture. The electrician also came by & wired everything for the ceiling fans, electrical outlets & light switches:

I got excited thinking that the electrical would be done, but they had to stop after they wired everything because it has to be inspected before they can finish. Hopefully that will be early next week. Like I said, it was mostly a slow week, but we had a busy last day or so.
I will confess that after my long run this morning, I climbed on top of the grotto & just sat there looking at everything as the sun rose. It was peaceful & quiet & I could really see everything coming to fruition with the new fence, landscape & furniture. I hope we get to enjoy it before it gets too cold outside!

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