Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sophie's First Brunch & Play Date

Bryan really wanted to put Sophie in Sonshine School with Sadie, but we didn't start Sadie until she was almost 2 & I feel like Sophie deserves the 2 years alone with me kind of like Sadie had. Poor Sophie already shares all of her time so I am really looking forward to spending my Tuesdays & Thursdays with her while Sadie is gone.
Since yesterday was our first day together, I invited a few other moms with younger siblings over so we could have brunch while the kids played. Technically, I think it was Sophie's first play date that she hosted:

Several of our friends couldn't make it, but we ended up having a nice time with a small group. The house was actually quiet since all of our older kids were at school & most of our babies just sat around looking at each other :)

Byron & Tatum were there since they aren't in school yet, but they played with Sadie's toys & were pretty quiet also. The babies didn't get to enjoy brunch, but the big kids did!
You know how I love breakfast so I enjoyed sampling what everyone brought. And honestly - that was my favorite part. We got to sit around the kitchen table & talk without the distraction of a bunch of noisy toddlers running around!
Thanks for coming over ladies! Sophie & I enjoyed our time together & I look forward to hanging out with her even more.

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