Friday, September 19, 2014

Sophie Update - Part 2

I know, I posted a long blog about Sophie the other day when she turned 9 months old, but I realized a few things I didn't write about that I wanted to document. First, she really started talking up a storm in the past few weeks. She always has something to say & she is loud like her sister :) Sadie's first word was mama, but I believe Sophie's is going to be dada, because she is saying dadadadadada like crazy. Sadie thinks it is funny & is always repeating her.
Apparently, she can sit up by herself also:

I had no idea she could, but I was working on my computer during nap time earlier this week & I looked at the monitor because I heard her & saw this! Obviously we need to lower her mattress setting because when we walk in her room, her head is above the crib & she can see out. She also found the video camera & she pulled it down & chewed on it. Luckily it didn't hurt it because she doesn't have any teeth, but it was all slobbery :( Needless to say I moved the video camera on top of her dresser now so neither of the girls can reach it, but I don't have as good of a view anymore. I took out her bumpers but that didn't stop her - 5 seconds later she was sitting up again. Looks like we will be adjusting her crib this weekend when Bryan gets back in town!
I thought this was hilarious because the exact same situation unfolded with Sadie when she was this age. I went back & looked at my old blog posts & it looks I posted about it on August 23. Guess Sophie's about a month behind on this stage. It's so easy to remember dates for comparing my 2 girls since they were born a week apart.

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