Thursday, September 18, 2014

Be Heroic!

Our MOPS theme this year is "Be You Bravely" so they named every table with a synonym for the word brave. My table is the heroic table:
We had our kick off party last week & I have been to a couple of leader meetings/training, but yesterday was finally our first official meeting. Most of my girls were there & it was so fun getting to meet everyone! It seems like every one really hit it off yesterday, so I have a feeling we are going to have a great year:
My girls loved being there also. Sadie just walks right in with her back pack like she owns the place :) And Sophie never cries - she just gets excited to play with the other babies or have someone else loving on her:
I took this picture when we walked in yesterday, but obviously they were distracted by all the other moms & children that were there. We love MOPS & so thankful that we are finally starting back up for the year!
On a side note, I have been carrying the double stroller around in my car since Sophie was born, but honestly, Sadie likes to walk most of the time & now that she is at school twice a week, I finally got my umbrella stroller out. Sophie is big enough now where I don't need the car seat any more & this stroller is so light & easy to carry - I have only used it for a few days but I am loving it!

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