Friday, September 5, 2014

Meet the Teacher

Sadie woke up early today because she was so excited to go to school! Technically we were only there for 30 minutes, but she had her back pack on & she was ready to go:

I kept telling her we weren't staying & that her backpack was empty, but she was determined to wear it & she wasn't happy when it was time to leave. She is going to the same pre-school this year, Sonshine School, but she is in a different hallway. There are 10 kids in her class & 7 of them are girls! She got to see where she will hang her nap mat & her back pack as well as where her cubby is:
And her new teacher is Mrs. Gray:
You know who else had fun at school today?
They actually have a class for her age & Bryan wanted me to sign her up, but I stayed home with Sadie for almost 2 years so I want to spend that same time with her. I already feel like I share her time with her sister, so I am looking forward to us hanging out together! I have promised myself that one day a week we will run errands & the other day will be dedicated to her, so we will either have a play date with friends or join a class.

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