Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend Getaway

For the past month or so I had planned on going down to Austin to visit my sister & her family. It was my niece's 2nd birthday & the girls were invited to her party & how could we miss since Sadie & Zoe are best friends? Then as the week went on I didn't know if we could make it since Sophie had been so sick. It was a last minute decision & around lunchtime on Saturday afternoon we decided to load up & head out. Sophie hadn't been sick in 48 hours & she seemed to be feeling a little better & I was dying to get out of the house :)
Zoe's party was Saturday night & it was adorable, just as I expected. That's what my sister does - she throws great parties, so you'll have to check out her blog to see her pictures. I just took some candid shots of family while we were there:

We ate hamburgers at their house & had cake before we headed over to the pool. Of course the kids sat around in their bathing suits all night just waiting for the adults to walk them over:

Finally it was pool time! Their neighborhood has an awesome kids pool so the kids got to swim by themselves while the rest of us sat around & watched them:

Poor Sophie didn't get to go since she had been sick all week & honestly, she was still a little fussy Saturday night, of course it was past her bed time :)
The next morning we went to church & it was so adorable because these two were inseparable:

They went to bible class together & were walking around holding hands. I just love that they are best friends! After church, we went out to eat lunch with everyone & then we headed back home. Obviously it was a quick road trip but I always enjoy seeing family & it was so nice to have a break from being stuck at home with sick kiddos.

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