Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Getting Ready for Fall......

Even though it is still 100 degrees outside, I have been doing a few things & trying to get our house ready for fall. Technically Sadie doesn't start pre-school until September 9, but I am already on the count down & so is she! She really didn't miss school that much & has thoroughly enjoyed summer, but she started talking about school again about a week ago & she gets excited every time we drive by it.
She went to spend the night at her grandparent's house last night so I took advantage of the quiet house & tried to get a few things done while she was gone. The biggest hurdle was cleaning out her closet. Honestly, it wasn't that dirty or unorganized, but I had a lot of bags, boxes & clothes hanging in there that needed to be sorted & re-organized. The whole left hand side of her closet had clothes that either I bought or my Mom bought for her to wear this fall/winter or next spring/summer:

The first thing I did was sort everything by season:
And then I had to cut all of the tags off & hang everything where it is supposed to go. You'll notice in the picture above that I did have one extra helper :)
I also started a new box for her summer gear. I have been washing, ironing & packing it up as Sadie wears it. Obviously some of her play clothes she will continue to wear since it is so hot outside, but I have been putting up some of her nicer outfits that look too "summery" for her to wear after Labor Day. So right now we have all of her fall/winter clothes mixed in with her summer clothes & I will continue to pack those up as she wears them one last time:
I quickly realized that Sadie had way more than she needed. We bought everything months ago so I always have to evaluate what she has & what she is missing & this year, I think we hit the jackpot so I really only need to get her some fall shoes. She has been wearing these dreaded pink flip flops from Old Navy all summer & I think it is almost time to throw them away :) The biggest surprise that we over bought? Jeans! She has 8 pairs of jeans:
Granted, they are all different styles & colors (some even have print) but what can I say - when they put GAP jeans on sale for ridiculously cheap you have to pick up a pair!
I also went a little over board on bathing suits. I went ahead & cut all of the tags off of her new ones & put them in her drawer since we are getting a pool & she will go to swimming lessons this winter. All total, she has 10 bathing suits in size 2T & 3T and she has 6 bathing suit covers:
I don't feel as guilty about these because I have a feeling she will live in these bathing suits next summer once our pool is ready. And I got them all super cheap :)
Finally her closet is nice & organized again. Everything she is wearing currently is on the right hand side & everything hanging on the left hand side is for the next season:
And I even have a few bonus items:
These are all of her holiday outfits & winter pajamas. I can't put them down yet or she will want to wear them. I can't believe how good we did this year because she already has a Halloween outfit, a Christmas outfit, 2 pairs of Christmas pajamas, 2 Valentine's Day outfits & 1 St. Patrick's Day shirt. Whew - I guess I won't have to do any shopping until winter clothes go on sale next year!
* I have to throw a special shout out to my Mom because she did buy quite a bit this year. She loves to shop the sales also - where do you think I learned it from :) She always tells us that she doesn't mind buying stuff for Sadie because she knows it will all be passed down to Zoe & then Sophie, so technically it benefits 3 of her grandchildren. Thank goodness you know our family's style & the brands we like because our girls always look adorable thanks to you & Doc!

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