Friday, August 15, 2014

Backyard Oasis - Week 2

Week 2 started off slow. After the crew left on Friday afternoon, we had no activity all weekend long & then no one came by on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Well, technically an inspector came by on Tuesday, but he didn't stay long or do anything :) Finally, the momentum picked up on Thursday morning. I came home from the gym around 7:00 in the morning & as soon as I turned on our street, I saw the cement trucks:

Of course I had to be nosy & run back there to see what they were doing. It was interesting watching them making the cement from the dirt:
and then we got to watch them spray the cement:

And by the end of the day, we actually had a pool! I mean I can see exactly where everything is - benches & steps included:

And then we got our first homework assignment: we have to spray down the pool twice a day for the next 7 days:
Friday morning was even busier. I got home from the gym around 7:30 & found this while I was pulling into the garage:
Apparently the plumbers were here & they were digging up our entire yard so they could bury the pipes for the plumbing. They built a huge trench that stretched from the pool to the side of our house where the pool equipment will be:

Speaking of pool equipment, it started showing up as well:

Looks like we got lights, filters, cleaners, an ozone machine & all sorts of stuff I know nothing about! At least there was a lot going on outside to distract us from being home bound this week :)

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