Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Before Sadie got sick the other day, she helped me make smoothies for the first time. I used to make them more often when it was just Bryan & I, but for some reason I hadn't made them in a while. I used to make fruit smoothies, but the reason I actually thought about making them again is because of a recipe I found in one of my parenting magazines. It was for a peanut butter-chocolate-banana smoothie. Sounds yummy, right? I knew Sadie would like it because she pretty much likes all 3 of those things!
She likes to "help" me in the kitchen often, but honestly, her version of helping is usually standing on the stool & watching me. Occasionally she tries to steal a snack when I'm not looking :) But I am trying to be better about letting her truly help me. So this time she helped me measure everything & I let her pour it in to the mixer:
She was so proud of herself & even more proud of the finished product. She walked around all morning sipping on her smoothie slowly saying "my smoothie". To be honest, I thought it was ok, but I probably won't make it again. I would rather stick to a good old fashioned strawberry banana smoothie to be honest!

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