Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Let the Craziness Begin.....

We know we have a lot of big projects coming up around the house so I am expecting it to look like a war zone for the next couple of months, but I didn't expect a little extra craziness to sneak in before the real mess started. On Friday, the a/c unit upstairs stopped working & of course we couldn't get anyone over to our house over the weekend, so the poor girls had to sleep in their rooms at night while it was 80 degrees inside :( And to make matters worse, Sadie woke up sick on Saturday morning. At first I thought it must have been something she ate or some kind of 24 hour bug, but apparently not. She seemed a little better on Sunday, but she was horrible yesterday. And then we had the a/c repairman at our house yesterday afternoon & somehow when he was up in the attic messing with the wires, he tripped something else & every single smoke alarm & carbon monoxide detector went off it our house. Every. Single. One. It was so loud & they went off for about 30 minutes & of course this was during nap time. We couldn't figure out how to turn them off so we had to call the fire department:

I told them it wasn't an emergency but they still had to dispatch a fire trucks & 4 firemen. My poor girls slept through all of the chaos. The alarms in their rooms were going off & the temperature said 83 & they still kept sleeping! Sadie eventually woke up when the fireman had to use a ladder to reach the smoke detector in her room:
Poor girl was so tired from having her nap interrupted but since she didn't feel good, she had a hard time sleeping, so she ended up in our bed again. How have we gone 2 1/2 years without her sleeping with us & now she has done it twice in one week? I was hoping she would be better today, but apparently she only got worse. I took the girls to the $1 movie this morning & she got sick 3 times during the movie with a full blown out diaper. Luckily we didn't ruin any clothes this time because I can't tell you how much laundry I have done in the past couple of days because of her. I even had to take our comforter to the dry cleaners because she ruined it.
She felt fine at the movie but as soon as we got in the car she started crying & telling me that her stomach hurt. But we pull up to our house & see this:
She was so excited that magically she wasn't sick anymore! We went in to the backyard to check out our new pool & we let her run around in the mud. Of course we were outside for 30 minutes or so & she felt fine but the minute we walked back in to the house, she started vomiting everywhere. It was disgusting! I can honestly say that we really haven't been through this with a child yet. Poor girl got sick in 3 different places & it was all over her. Luckily it was all on the hardwood floors so it was easy to clean, but poor Sophie was crying like crazy because I was trying to clean everything up & take care of Sadie. Thankfully Bryan was home & he was able to calm Sadie down & give her a bath. So we have spent the rest of the afternoon lying on the couch, watch tv, while listening to our backyard being torn up. At least I can say that our a/c is working again upstairs, Sadie will get over this stomach bug soon enough & we will be swimming in our pool & laughing about how it all started. But until then, I guess we will hunker down & let the madness continue!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a crazy day! Hope Miss Sadie feels better soon.
