Thursday, August 7, 2014

Shopping with My Girls

I hate to say it, but I have already brain washed my daughter into loving shopping! Most of the time I am running errands around town, but if I tell her we are going shopping, she is hooked. Sometimes if we drive by a Target or a Wal-Mart, Sadie says "Mommy, I want to go shopping!".
I went to Hobby Lobby a lot while I was pregnant because I was working on Sophie's nursery, but honestly I hadn't been in a while. I guess you can say I'm normally not very crafty :) But I have a project I am working on around the house, so I have been to Hobby Lobby 3 times in the past week. Obviously I hadn't shopped there since Sophie was born because I totally forgot they have these awesome shopping carts:
Twice I was able to sneak up there while Sadie was at camp but the third time she came with me & she was such a little helper because she pushed the cart around the entire store.
I have also made a few trips to Lowe's recently & Sadie never lets me forget about their shopping carts:
This may have been my first time there with both of them together, so Sadie was pretty pumped to drive Sophie around. I have to say that I appreciate stores like these who do a little extra for moms & their kiddos!

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