Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sick Days of Summer

Since we only have a few weeks left of summer, I had some fun activities planned for the girls & me, however most of those had to be cancelled :( It all started the Saturday before, like over 1 1/2 weeks ago when Sadie woke up with a stomach bug. She had it for a few days & then she passed it to Bryan who had it for a few days & eventually Sophie got it. She actually got it last Thursday, so it has officially been 1 week now & she is still sick. Every time I think she is getting better, she fools me & gets worse. Monday morning I thought she was doing better so we ventured to the grocery store & she had a decent day. Since she did good on Monday, I thought we would try the $1 movie at Cinemark since it was there last movie of the summer for their kids club. We even met our friends Eva & Harlow there, but within 30 minutes of being there, I heard her vomiting like crazy. Sure enough, she spent the rest of the movie asleep in my arms. Poor girl! Before all of the chaos, I had taken pictures of them:
When we got outside I realized that she had made a bigger mess than I could see in that dark theater. Not only did she cover her entire car seat, but it had spilled over & had gotten all over the stroller too. By Wednesday morning I am bored out of my mind sitting around the house & tired of doing laundry from everyone being sick for the past week, so I decide we are going to Discount Tire. I figure we can sit to the side by ourselves & wait while I get the tires on my car rotated. By the time we get there, Sophie is covered. All though this time the front of her onesie is a different color & I quickly realize that she didn't throw up, instead she had a huge blow up diaper that went up the front of her for some reason. It was so bad that I ended up just throwing the onesie away & she sat around Discount Tire naked:
She never threw up this day but she had horrible diapers all day. But as you can see, she was actually feeling a little better. This was the first day in many that she actually played by herself & we saw some smiles. Later that night we went for our evening stroll:
and watered the flower beds:
The next morning I drop Sadie off for camp & decide to run to the mall to pick up a present with Sophie. I figured she did so good the night before & had a good morning so a leisurely walk around the mall would be ok. And it was until we got home. I fed her lunch & then she got violently ill for about 30 minutes & then she has screamed & cried the rest of the day. I mean this whole week has been bizarre. Sadie has always been a healthy baby so we have never really been through this before. And honestly, I didn't know a stomach bug could last this long. Not to go in to details, but I have taken Sophie to the after hours clinic around the corner & she has seen her pediatrician this week. She has been on Zofran & she is taking a probiotic. They keep telling me that there is nothing they can give for a virus, that it just has to pass on its own. All I know is that I have never seen poor Sophie so sick & so unhappy. And at the same time, poor Sadie is probably getting bored at the house & I keep turning on the tv for her because I am so busy trying to clean up Sophie's mess or doing another load of laundry. I keep hoping that every day Sophie will wake up feeling better, so hopefully we can enjoy our last days of summer with Sadie before she goes back to school!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! That sounds awful. Sick kids are the worst! I hope everybody starts feeling better soon. I'm sure you thought of this, because you are on top of everything ;) but did you make sure the probiotic was dairy/soy free? I just thought I'd mention it since you said she starts to seem better and then gets sick. Both my kids take probiotics and I know there are some with and some without. I hope you are able to enjoy a sick free weekend!
