Monday, August 4, 2014

Wiggle Worm

Our little wiggle worm is now moving more ferociously. As of yesterday afternoon, Sophie is officially army crawling backwards :) It blows my mind because she still can't sit by herself unattended but this little wiggle worm can get around! I mean technically she can sit, but sometimes she still falls over because she isn't always stable. I went back & looked & Sadie was sitting by herself confidently at 5 1/2 months, but here Sophie is at 7 months & she is still wobbly. But the girl loves her tummy & she always has. She is definitely more active when I put her on the floor because she sees Sadie's toys everywhere & she wants to get them. She learned a while ago that she could roll anywhere she wanted to go, but yesterday afternoon Bryan & I both noticed that she was scooting across the hardwood floor backwards. It was so funny watching her & she had the biggest smile on her face like she knew what she was doing. I didn't take any pictures yesterday because we were so happy living in the moment, but I tried to catch in her action earlier today. First she crawled underneath one of Sadie's toys:
And then she realized that she really wanted to play with the vanity mirror instead, so she tried to reach for it. I love that you can see her face in the mirror!
And finally she broke free & started scooting backwards again. Of course you can't tell from the pictures, but I was so excited I had to share anyways:
I looked back at my blog & Sadie's baby book & it appears that this is around the same time when Sadie started doing this also. She started crawling backwards first & then she started planking & by mid August she was a full on crawler. We'll see if Sophie follows in her big sister's footsteps!

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