Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Birthday Parties

On Saturday, Sadie had 2 birthday parties, one after the other. It's that time of year where most of her friends are starting to turn 3.
We started the morning at Matthew's house. I didn't take many pictures of the kids because they were too busy running around the backyard but I did get several pictures of the decorations because Maggie always does a good job. Not only does she make all of the crafty decorations & gift bags, but she makes all of the food as well. Her cookies are the best - I mean they look like you bought them at an upscale bakery!

It was definitely a boy party with an Avengers - Super Hero theme. I mean Sadie even got a water gun, dog tags & a bandana in her goodie bag :) But I thought Maggie did a good job of keeping it age appropriate because some times that stuff can look a little violent for 2 & 3 year olds:

As if all of that food wasn't enough, she even passed out red, white & blue popsicles, which Sadie loved:
They had a ton of activities in the backyard from water balloons, an inflatable baby pool & an inflatable water slide but Sadie spent most of her time on their swing set:
I think that's a sign that we really need to get one at our house. *Hint, hint Santa Clause!
From here we went to Pump It Up for Kenzie's party. As expected, Sadie ran, jump & bounced faster than I could catch up so I don't have any pictures from the party except for the one time she stopped to slow down:
That's right - this girl always stops for food, especially when it's a Bubble Guppie cupcake!

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