Monday, August 11, 2014

Jump Zone

Sadie had a really busy weekend. I mean her little social calendar blew up :) Poor Sophie on the other hand stayed around the house most of the time because she caught that yucky stomach bug that Sadie had earlier in the week. Poor girl! Her little immune system took a lot longer to fight it.
Friday morning we met our friends Jamie, Tatum & Byron at Jump Zone for a play date. I love places like this during the week because they are never that crowded & it's usually just a few other moms with their kids, so Jamie & I got to visit while the kids ran around like maniacs. Yes, maniacs. I mean check out Sadie's expression on this princess slide:

She literally went down this slide like 20 times in a row & she was screaming the entire time. Apparently she loved it so much, she convinced Tatum to go down with her. They were so cute - they waited for each other at the top & then they would hold hands & slide down together:
Poor Byron was left behind on the princess slide - girls only! Who knew it started at such a young age? They finally included him when it was time for a break:
Hayden & Sophie were with us also, but of course they were too young to enjoy the activities, so they got to hang out with their mommies & indulge in some girl talk :)
Later that night, we went to dinner with some friends & of course I forgot to take pictures. Sadie & Sophie were really fussy that night. I think Sadie was tired from a long week of being sick & I think Sophie was just getting sick on Friday & I hadn't realized it yet. Then Sadie had 2 birthday parties on Saturday & we had a block party on Sunday. Whew - lots of partying this weekend! More pictures to come.......

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