Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Water Slide

I think I mentioned in my last post that we didn't do much last Saturday because we spent most of the day recovering from the festivities the night before. I conquered the inside of the house while Bryan & Sadie tackled the outside. There were toys everywhere in the front yard & the back yard. There were even "inside toys" that we found out there. And the picnic table was covered in trash & food crumbs, which is expected since it was a bunch of 2 & 3 year olds eating there. And our driveway was covered in ash & left over firework debris. All of this was easy to clean & those two had it picked up in no time thanks to the blower, a broom & a water hose. I tried to get a picture of Sadie sweeping the driveway, because she was doing everything just like her Dad, but by the time I went outside to take the picture, she didn't want to help anymore. Of course. But I did catch them goofing off a few times:

After all that hard work you deserve a break, right? And Bryan said the slide was too hot to go down, so he turned it in to a water slide & Sadie approved :)

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