Monday, July 7, 2014

Independence Day 2014

Usually we don't do much for July 4th, I think we have mostly hung out with family in the past, but this year, we decided to host our first Independence Day party! We invited a couple of families over that have kids around Sadie's age & we had a blast - probably one of the most fun patriotic holidays we have ever celebrated. Sophie was eagerly anticipating her first independence day holiday in the same cute outfit that Sadie wore 2 years ago:
While Sadie ran to the grocery store with her Dad to pick up some meat:
And then we took a selfie while we waited for our guests to arrive:
Once our guests arrived, the girls visited & snacked, the kids ran around outside playing, while the guys finished up the meat on the grill:

We had traditional American food with hot dogs, hamburgers, pasta salad, deviled eggs, watermelon & banana pudding. Actually, there was a lot more than just that & it was good! The proof is in the smiles on these kids faces:
After dinner we all went outside while the kids played. Of course I took a ton of pictures & I have to load all of them since this is my main photo sharing site. Sorry!

We somehow managed to get all of the big kids together for a group photo:
We thought it would be cute to take a picture of Haven & Sophie in the red wagon, but we had a hard time getting both of them to sit up correctly:
But I did snap an adorable action shot of Sophie:
And when Haven got out, Sadie wanted to get in:
This picture makes me laugh because Sophie is totally drooling these days & her outfit was soaking wet & she was chewing on it so for some reason Sadie was copying her & chewing on her outfit also.
When I got Sophie out, Adalyn wanted to join in on the fun:
Then Dustin surprised all of us by pulling out the bag of fireworks he brought. He bought a ton of stuff & we had fun popping everything in our driveway. This was officially the first time Sadie had done fireworks herself & she loved it!

That last picture is one of my new favorites :)
After fireworks we let the kids cool down with popsicles before the grand finale:
The City of Frisco puts on a big fireworks show that you can see from our neighborhood, so we walked over to the community pool to join the neighborhood party. They had a dj, free popcorn, sno cones, etc. so we had even more fun partying over there while we waited for the firework display. The kids loved the big fireworks as much as the small ones we did with them:

Before everyone headed home, we were able to get someone to take a group picture of us:
It was a crazy night, but we enjoyed every second of it! The kids didn't go to bed until 11:30 that night, including Sophie! I don't know how she did it, but she didn't miss a thing. She slept until 10:00 the next morning & Sadie slept until 10:30! My girls definitely know how to sleep :) We mostly spent the next day recovering & cleaning up the house but I have a feeling this won't be the last birthday party for America that this family will have!

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast and really appreciate you guys hosting. I hope it becomes an annual tradition that we can all get together on the 4th!
