Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Undivided Attention

Sadie has been gone for the past couple of days (don't worry - there will be a separate blog about that!) so Sophie has gotten a lot of extra attention from Bryan & I this week. I can honestly say that she has been in a really good mood & probably played better than she normally does. I think she likes having the house to herself! Bryan & I have been joking that we forgot how easy it is to only have one child, especially an infant who is so quiet. We are so used to having a babbling toddler running around like crazy all the time!
Of course I have been taking pictures & she has been hamming it up since she knows it's all about her these days. We have taken her out to eat several times & I have to admit that I almost forgot about her one night because she was so quiet:
This picture was taken after dinner - we took her to go get ice cream :) The next day we tried something new - instead of leaving her in her car seat at the restaurant, we tried a high chair:
She has been sitting in our high chair at home for the past month, but it is bigger & has more support. Since she is still a little wobbly, I was a little worried about the smaller wooden high chair, but I think she loved sitting there. She loves being able to sit up so she can look around & see what's going on.
And since she conquered the public high chair, I figured I would try the next best thing:
Since I didn't have to mess with Sadie running around Target, I figured I had time to help Sophie learn how to sit while shopping. She loved it at first, but after 30 minutes or so, she was slumped over & practically laying down in the shopping cart. Guess I kept her out shopping too long! Either that, or we need to work on building her core some more.
She also got to go for a run one on one with her Dad:
And she has gotten tons of attention while playing at home:
I think the past couple of days have been relaxing for Bryan & I (we actually watched 3 movies last weekend!) but I also really enjoyed spending quality time with just Sophie. I will admit that I started getting a little bored today because I am not used to the quiet & I'm sitting around the house waiting for her to come home so I can shuffle her around again. Sometimes a break is good, but honestly, I enjoy the craziness!

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