Thursday, July 31, 2014

Camp Mimi & Doc 2014

My parents started a new tradition this year by inviting their grand kids to Camp Mimi & Doc! I thought Sophie was a little young to attend camp just yet but Sadie got to go. It's about 3 hours to my parent's house from my house, so we left on Friday morning & met in the middle for lunch. Sadie was so excited she practically kicked me out of the restaurant & barely told me goodbye:

Natalie's kids didn't get there until Saturday, so Sadie got to spend some extra time with her grandparents. First, she helped them fill up the pool:

Then she got to check out the new bedroom my parents had re-done for their children & grandchildren. They had bunk beds built!

The top bunk is for Kason since he is the oldest grandchild (duh!) while Sadie & Zoe can share the bottom one. You can't see it in the picture, but apparently there is a ladder that blocks part of the bed so you can climb up, but they also put on a safety rail so Sadie wouldn't roll off. You know she's still in a crib at home :)

The next morning Sadie woke up ready to go pick up her cousins, but first she had to check the pool:

My Mom & Sadie met Natalie half way also to pick up her kids. I think Sadie was elated to see her cousins!

Since it was Saturday night, they had to get cleaned up & ready for bed early since they had church the next morning. Mimi even spoiled the grand daughters & gave them pedicures:

I can already tell these girls are going to be best friends! Just wait until Sophie's old enough to join in on the fun :) Apparently they survived church the next morning & my parents even got the kids to sit for a picture so they could send it to us:

Of course they spent a lot of time around the house but my Mom had lots of activities for them. Obviously she had the pool:

They had a bubble party:

and a competitive game of bean bag toss:

where my child was always the cheerleader. They also played some games inside like gold fish & uno stacko, but Sadie was too independent to accept help & didn't enjoy the games as much. Go figure - she's only 2 1/2!

But I hear she spent most of her time on the hammock with Kason:

No surprise there!

They also ventured out of the house a few times. They went for lunch at Incredible Pizza Kitchen:

They also went swimming at the Conroe Rec Center:

followed up with an afternoon treat:

I finally drove & met my Mom for lunch yesterday to pick her up. Obviously she had fantastic time but I think she was ready to get home. She was so excited to see me that she wanted to sit in my lap the whole time at lunch. And this time, she didn't tell me goodbye or try to get in Mimi's car - she was quite happy about going home to see her Daddy & getting to ride in the car with Sophie again. Dinner was definitely different last night having a bubbly two year old back at the kitchen table!

Thank you Mimi & Doc for inviting the kids & planning such a fun filled week. I know Sadie had a blast getting to spend time with both of you & her cousins. And I appreciated all of the pictures! Every picture on here came from them. They took pictures & texted us the entire time so we always knew what our little rascals were up to. Obviously I missed her, but getting to see her having fun through all those pictures made her being gone easier. Hopefully this will be a new tradition that will continue every summer & I can't wait for Sophie to join the fun next year!

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