Monday, July 28, 2014

After Dinner Work Out

I know I did a post about our new double jogging stroller because since Sophie turned 6 months old, we have been taking the girls for runs. Well, I should clarify, sometimes Bryan or I take them for a run when we don't get our work out in & sometimes we just go for walks after dinner at night. But we have now found a new way to entertain ourselves before bedtime:

That's right - we are now going on family bike rides! We have been taking Sadie for a couple of years now, but Sophie is finally big enough to join her. The bike trailer has less support than the jogging stroller, so we really waited until she was big enough to ride. Sadie absolutely loves riding with her & wants to go on a bike ride every single night:
I technically don't mind because I feel like I am getting a mini work out in after dinner! I mean, we aren't hard core cycling, just taking a few laps around the neighborhood, but it still feels good to be active & I am glad we have found activities that we can do as a family :)

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