Friday, July 18, 2014

Tropical Paradise.......

That's where we have been for the past 8 days. We went on our family vacation just the four of us & it was heavenly. We flew in to St. Kitts & then we took a boat over to Nevis. In case you are wondering where that is (because most people I have talked to have never heard of it.....) it is a small island in the West Indies with one side of the island facing the Atlantic Ocean & the other side facing the Caribbean Sea. This is a view of the Caribbean Sea from our boat ride as we pulled up to the resort:

That mountain in the background is St. Kitts & that beach is part of our resort. Here is another snapshot of us pulling up to dock:
That mountain in the background is actually a dormant volcano. And my favorite picture of all was taken after we got off the boat & are walking into the resort from the ocean & towards the volcano:
Beautiful, right? The island was very lush, tropical & mountainous. Beautiful flowers were everywhere:
I should have taken more pictures of the flowers. Here is a shot of our cottage:
We were on the second floor. Our balcony faced the ocean & the volcano was behind us. We spent a lot of time on our balcony, especially the girls. They played out there & ate breakfast out there. And most of the time that balcony was covered with wet bathing suits, sea shells collected from the day & random beach toys. And that hammock?! Let's just say I might have read a few magazines there while the girls were napping :)
But my favorite view of all:
because this is where we spent most of our time. They had 3 pools & all of them were infinity pools overlooking the ocean. One was an adult pool where Bryan & I finally got to relax on our final day while the girls were napping with the babysitter, but the rest of our time was spent at the family pool. We set up our gear at the same spot every single day & soaked up this view. And the sun. Don't worry, I was very snap happy & took a ton of pictures but first I have more catching up to do around the house. Enjoy!

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