Monday, July 21, 2014

Traveling to & from Nevis

Our vacation started early & I mean really early. We had to leave the house at 4:00 in the morning which meant we had to get the girls up at 3:45. They were troopers & in the best mood that morning. They both got dressed & stayed awake until we got to the airport.

We decided to check Sophie's car seat with the luggage instead of checking it at the gate, so this was the first time she rode in the stroller with Sadie like a big girl :) Sadie got to have breakfast inside the terminal & Sophie was doing so good I was able to hold off on her bottle until we got on the airplane. Both of them stayed awake most of our flight from Dallas to Miami, but by the time we ate lunch & boarded our second plane, they all passed out:

I have to brag on Sadie - this was the best trip she ever had flying. She has always been a good traveler, but I think she is getting better the older she gets. Plus she knows what to expect since we have done it a few times. And it probably helps that I have her backpack full of goodies ready to go :)
When we landed, our resort staff was waiting for us & we loaded the boat. Sadie thought this was so exciting! I think this was her first time on a "big" boat & she kept telling everyone that Nemo was in the water swimming :) We were welcomed aboard with fruity drinks:
and Sadie even got to meet the captain:
It took us about 30 minutes to get to the other island, but the view was so pretty, we really didn't care. Plus, we met a few other families who flew in with us so it was kind of nice to meet new people who we would eventually see all week long around the resort.
I was mesmerized as soon as we got off the boat:
Bryan & I have traveled a lot, but this was one of the prettiest resorts we have ever stayed at. To be honest, it might be a tie with the hotel we stayed at in Maui. Too hard to choose!
Eight days later, we were back on the boat headed to the airport in St. Kitts. This time, we took turns sitting on top of the boat outside:
It was nice to take in the view one more time before we headed back to Texas. Oh-yeah, I found 1 more picture of Sadie enjoying the boat ride home:
In case you are wondering who this strange man is, this ended up being Sadie's best friend from our trip. He was traveling with his family & he had a daughter that is a junior in college & a son that is a junior in high school. They had the same itinerary as we did so we flew in & out together. We actually met them on the boat to Nevis & we hit it off with them right away. Their daughter babysits & they live in California & just happen to know some friends of ours who moved from Texas to California. Small world?! Anyway, within 5 minutes of meeting them, Sadie was sitting in Jeff's lap & every time we saw them all week long, she would get so excited & practically hang on him like a monkey. It was kind of fun meeting new friends on vacation, but I have to admit that I am a little skeptical of why my daughter is so comfortable around older men?! 
By the way, I didn't take any pictures of our flights on the way home because we traveled late in the day, but I have to confess that Sadie had the BIGGEST public melt down when we landed at DFW. Once again, she did amazing on the flight from St. Kitts to Miami & she finally fell asleep on the flight from Miami to DFW. We didn't land until 10:30, so it was a late flight & it had been a long day. Like I said, she slept most of the flight home so she was an angel, but I had to wake her up when we landed in Dallas & she went ballistic. She cried & screamed the entire time from the airplane to baggage claim. I think everyone on the plane was looking at us! The good news is that the airport was kind of deserted since it was late at night, but it was still embarrassing. I don't blame her though - not only had it been a long day traveling, but it had been a long week. When we got home, she tried to climb into her crib with her shoes & clothes on because she was so tired she kept saying "I wanna go night night!". Poor girl! Like I said, I don't have any pictures of this embarrassing moment, but it's one of those things that I wanted to document so I don't forget :)

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