Friday, July 11, 2014

Shoba's Farewell Party

When I joined MOPS two years ago, Shoba was one of the first ladies that I met. She was my group leader & also became a good friend. I have enjoyed seeing her at MOPS for the past two years & we also saw each other around town quite often at My Gym & Sonshine School. Unfortunately, her & her family are moving to Denver this summer, so we threw her a going away party:

Most of the women there were from MOPS, in fact, most of the hostesses were from our group that first year she led us:
One of my friends Maggie, created this new invention:
It is the perfect little gift for entertaining. It is a band that holds you charger plate, regular plate, napkin & utensils all together so you don't have to worry about holding each piece individually. Super cute, right? She has been making them for a while, but this was the first time she "introduced" them in person. I thought they were adorable! She is working on an Etsy shop so I will let you know when it is open :)
Finally, here is a picture of Maggie & Shoba trying out her new contraption:
Love it! And we love Shoba - we are going to miss you & please let us know when you come back to Texas to visit!

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