Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nevis by Day....

To be honest, we didn't really do much during the day while we were in Nevis. In fact, we hardly left the resort. They had a cute little park nestled in a tropical cove where Sadie went several times to play:

Our babysitter took her here several times because it was an easy way to do something outside of the room. She also took her to the kids club:
It was awesome & she loved going there! They had trampolines, ball pits & a ton of toys but she spent most of her time coloring :)
Bryan also went golfing one afternoon:
Apparently the course was in terrible shape but the views were beautiful. After he golfed, he picked us up & took us for a ride on the golf cart:
There are random monkeys all over the island & they usually come out early in the morning & early evening to eat. I would see them in the mornings when I went for my daily run & he saw a ton on the golf course, so we drove around trying to find them for Sadie but we only saw one.
Since he golfed, I relaxed at the spa one afternoon. No, I don't have pictures of me at the spa, but here is a picture of my view while getting my massage:
Bryan & I ventured off the property one day to do a day hike up Mount Nevis. Here we are at the bottom with our guide:
Here are some pictures of us while climbing:

This part of the volcano/mountain is a tropical rain forest so there aren't a lot of flowers, but everything was really green. We didn't climb up to the peak, but we did see some amazing views once we reached our stopping point:


But most of our time was spent on the water. We walked on the beach several times & picked seashells (my favorite hobby to do with Sadie!) but we actually only spent one day at the beach. You can't tell from the pictures, but the sand was really dark - almost black in some parts because it is made up of volcanic ash, so the sand was really hot & Sadie didn't like it. Also, the water got deep really fast so she couldn't go in to the water very far by herself. They also had an awesome floating trampoline that was surrounded by a reef with deep water & Sadie didn't understand why she couldn't go out there :( But here are some pictures of our day at the beach:

Right before we went on vacation my Mom gave us that super cute beach bag full of toys, which was actually from her sister, my Aunt Penny. We couldn't have got it a better time, because Sadie carried it around the entire vacation & she called it her Nemo bag :) Sophie was also with us at the beach, but apparently she liked the pool better also. She spent most of the time under the umbrella, but when I tried to get a few pictures of her, she wasn't in the mood:

The rest of the time we spent at the pool, which was probably all of our favorite's spot! Sophie enjoyed sitting in her Bumbo & watching Sadie swim, but she also loved getting in the water. She would sit on the step & play or we would take turns pushing her around in the float:

We sat in the same spot every day with a couple of umbrellas, chairs & even a pack-n-play! Out pool attendants were the best & they always made sure we were taken care of, especially the kiddos!

She loved rolling around in their with her toys & we had more freedom because we could swim & play with Sadie while Sophie napped:
Don't worry, she did get a little sun when I caught her sunbathing one day:

Sadie loved going to the pool. Absolutely loved it. She woke up every day asking about it.

She has always been a good swimmer, but she went to a whole new level on this trip. The family pool where we sat every day had two shallow ends with steps & even after she got off the steps, she could touch for quite a while. So, Bryan & I were able to sit on our chairs & relax while she swam by herself since she could touch. Not only was it more relaxing for us, but since she could touch, it gave her the confidence to try new things without us & I was blown away at how brave she was. She would push the float away from her & then she would jump off the step & swim to the float. And if she couldn't reach the float, then she would turn to the side & swim back to the steps or the side of the pool. She would also just jump up & down going under water by herself & practice holding her breath. I am not exaggerating when I say that she did this probably 50 times a day. We had so many compliments on her & I told everyone that's it's because she has been in the water swimming since she was a baby. Practice makes perfect! I know these pictures don't do it justice, but I tried to capture the moment:

One day Sadie & I caught Bryan taking a selfie so we photo bombed his picture:
He was also our hero because on two separate days he had to rescue a crab that had escaped from the beach & found it's way in to the pool:

One of the highlights of the day was enjoying our fruity drink. The resort had free drinks & food for kids under five, so Sadie got to have free lunch every day & with it we ordered her a strawberry-banana smoothie. She thought it was the best thing ever!
Of course I had to join her & I got my daily strawberry daiquiri while Bryan tried every rum drink on the menu:
Of course the sun wore this kiddos out & we had no problems taking afternoon naps. Even Bryan joined them:
Of course my favorite picture of all pretty much sums it up:
Man I love this family & we are so blessed that Bryan is able to spoil his girls by treating us to vacation. I love going on adventures to new places with him & we are fortunate to bring the girls along with us now!

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