Saturday, July 26, 2014

Splash Park

Unfortunately our part of Texas has been under a drought for a while, so we are on limited stage 3 water restrictions, which means I can only water our yard twice a month :( It also means that 3 of the 4 splash parks in town are closed. There is one splash park that operates off a well, so technically it is supposed to be open, but it has been closed all summer for repairs. It finally opened while we were out of town, so of course we had to check it out this week!

Needless to say it was really crowded. We actually had a MOPS play date there, so I had fun visiting with a few friends while Sadie splashed around:
It is definitely less stressful being at a splash park with two children than being at a pool because I could kind of sit back & relax while she ran around without me:
She kind of got bored after a while because I forgot to bring any buckets or toys, but she found a red solo cup & that kept her going:
Sophie was with us, but she had been out in the sun a lot on vacation & I knew it would be crowded. Plus, we went in the morning during her nap time:
I kept her in the shade so she had no problem at all falling asleep. When she woke up, I surprised her with a sippy cup:
This is kind of new. I have only given it to her a couple of times & it only has water in it, but she is starting to figure it out. I think she thinks it's more fun to play with than to actually drink from it!

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