Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Nevis by Night.....

Most nights we stayed around the resort for dinner since they offered several restaurants, but we did venture out a few times. Our first night there we went to:

It is actually located just down the beach & is right off the water. We had heard from everyone that we had to go there because it was the best local dive bar on the island. Apparently all of the celebrities go here also because they had pictures of all of them hanging around the restaurant. We were walking down the beach to get there, but a local tour guide saw us & gave us a free ride:
All of the tables had couches so the girls loved sitting on them & they even had a swing set on the beach which Sadie loved! I didn't get a picture of that because she was playing in the dark, but I did catch Sadie loving on Sophie during dinner:
The food was great (one of the best salads I have ever had in the Caribbean with a ton of fresh, local veggies) & it was fairly cheap. We even got to meet the owner, Sunshine himself!
And I don't know how I didn't get a picture, but we actually met up with some friends from Frisco that night. We knew they were on the island, but had no idea they would be eating at Sunshine's also!
A few nights later, we walked back to Sunshine's since we enjoyed it so much. Unfortunately, we had a horrible experience the second time & we ended up leaving before our food was delivered. There was a really bad swarm of bugs (I have no idea what kind of bugs they were but they were kind of like nats) & they were all in our drinks & as soon as he delivered our salad they covered it :( Apparently it had something to do with the weather & they flock to light, so they turned off the lights in the restaurant but it's kind of hard to eat in the dark with children. Needless to say we didn't enjoy Sunshine's that night, but I would totally recommend it & go back there again. While we were walking to dinner that night, I snapped a few pictures of Sadie because she was doing her diva poses:

Another night we went to Coconut Grove & it was located in a really cool tiki hut. The biggest tiki hut I have ever been to:
Dinner was good & our view was excellent. This restaurant was right on the water overlooking St. Kitts. We went a little later that night so we missed sunset but we made up for it the next night by catching sunset from the lobby of our hotel on our way to dinner:
Afterwards, we went to:
& it was located in this really cool tree house up in the mountain. On top of the restaurant was an awesome balcony where we went to take pictures & have a drink before dinner. The views were amazing from every direction & thank goodness we got there right after sunset so there was a little bit of light left to help us see everything:

That red tree is actually their state flower. It is called the flamboyant tree & it was beautiful! Apparently it only blooms 2 months out of the year so I am glad we got to see it in it's full glory. They were all over the island:
We had heard before we went that the owner of Bananas has a friendly dog that runs loose around the restaurant & this might have been Sadie's favorite part of the meal:
She called him Happy but I think his name was actually Jersey. Poor Sophie did a lot of this during most of our dinners since we tired her out during the day & then ate dinner a little later than normal:
Bryan & I snuck off one night to check out:
It was an old plantation & sugar mill that has been converted in to a really cool restaurant & hotel:
The plantation house is the original structure but has been decorated with modern art. Really cool place to eat & we were the only ones in the restaurant, so we had the place to ourselves!
Our final night there we enjoyed sunset on the beach at our hotel followed by dinner at Coral Grill.
It was kind of nice to have a low key evening to finish our trip. Mrs. Brenda came back & watched the girls so Bryan & I could enjoy our final evening together. And our waitress even surprised us with a special dessert:
It truly was a relaxing week & I enjoyed getting to indulge in dinner (& dessert!) every night without having to cook it or clean up afterwards. Now I just have to lose those few pounds I gained from all that yummy food!

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