Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 2 Continues.....

Even though we spent a long day at Sea World, the fun didn't end once we got to the hotel. We were hot & tired so everyone figured a jump in the pool would cool us off! Actually, everyone else got in the pool except for me & my Mom. Since it was late in the day, I knew I would put Sophie to bed early so we skipped the pool & just hung out pool side to enjoy the pizza that was delivered. Nothing beats eating pizza pool side on a hot day :) And don't forget, after pizza, I got a s'more!

I can't remember if my Dad got in the water or not, but my Mom stayed out & helped take care of Max:

Poor Max - he was exhausted from going to Sea World all day! Natalie tried to put him in the water, but he wasn't feeling it that night:

Sadie got to spent some extra time floating around with Aunt Natalie since she was the only girl in the pool besides Zoe:
After a quick dip in the water, pizza & s'mores for everyone, we finally retreated to our rooms after a long day. We thought we would let Sadie & Kason try to sleep together again but instead of putting them in the grandparent's room, we put them in our room. We thought Sadie might do better being in the room with us & it worked! They fell asleep watching cartoons & slept peacefully through the night. Thank goodness we pushed the bed against the wall & had the other side blocked with a rail because those two slept crazy & were all over the place!
This picture was actually taken the next morning when they woke up - ready to go for day 3! Stay tuned for more pictures of pool time fun!

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