Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Paradise in Frisco

Bryan & I had a sneak preview of vacation last weekend when we went to see Jimmy Buffett in concert:

He comes to Pizza Hut Park in Frisco (which is only a few miles from our house) every year, but this is the first year we have gone to see him. It is a huge deal. The parking lot opens up on Thursday night & people start parking their trailers & RV's & they literally tailgate all weekend. It is a madhouse! We went up there a few hours early & walked around the tailgates & met up with some friends. I wouldn't say I am huge Jimmy Buffett fan, but I love anything tropical & his whole concert made me feel like I was sitting on the beach. And his whole background is different pictures of boats, beaches, ocean, palm trees - it almost felt like we were in paradise in Frisco, TX!
Bryan & I always have fun on our date nights & this was no exception:
The Dallas Fin Heads were there with their glowing fins & Jimmy pointed them out several times while they ran around the concert. The mayor even got them to come up to our seats:
Bryan even got to try on one of their fins:
Now that I am looking at the pictures, they look kind of silly, but you could tell what they were when they were running around in the dark down below. It was a good preview of our vacation to come - we are counting down the days until I am listening to real tropical music on a real beach :)

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