Thursday, June 26, 2014

Double Dose of Dodson

Our sister-n-law Jessica & her kids came in from Colorado so we go to spend some extra time with the Dodson family this weekend. We drove over early on Sunday morning so we could meet them for church & Jessica's friend, Danielle was there with her kids also. I'll have to brag & say that our kids did pretty well during church because they were dying to run around & play together! Here are pictures of all of them by age group at church & lunch:
Caleb & Sophie - He was born 2 weeks after her :)

Braxton & Sadie - They are 6 months apart:
Brooklyn & Kaitlyn - They are a few months apart as well & they are best friends even though one lives in Texas & the other in Colorado :(
After the Borden family left, we spent a lot of time just hanging out & playing at Grammy & Grandpa's house. Even Granny came over & played with the kids:
Aunt Jessica even spent some time loving on everyone:
The girls discovered a new favorite activity that cracked me up every time they did it because Sadie would get so dizzy & fall down but then she would want to go right back again:

Don't you love my action shots?!  It's kind of like a flip book & I'm sure you can imagine Kaitlyn spinning Sadie around :)
The next morning Grammy & Grandpa spoiled them by taking them to Jump Street. The kids jumped like crazy & we left there with all 3 of them covered in sweat. It was kind of disgusting but they had a blast!

Sophie was there also, but she napped the first hour & then she got to get out of her car seat & play. One of these days she'll get to play with the big kids!
We always look forward to seeing Jessica & the kids when they come to visit. We are even more excited to welcome the newest addition to the Dodson family when their 3rd child arrives later this year. Looks like we are going to have another Christmas baby in the Dodson family!

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