Monday, June 30, 2014

Maddux Family Vacation

A few months ago my parents mentioned that they wanted to treat us to a family vacation in San Antonio & we quickly started planning it. Bryan & I have both been to San Antonio several times, but we hadn't taken the girls yet. After months of waiting, we finally met up with everyone last week. We actually met everyone in Austin for lunch at Hula Hut. It was my Mom's birthday a few days before, so my sister baked her a birthday cake:

It was delicious & beautiful! She is learning how to make these fancy cakes & this one was covered in rosette flowers. She thought it didn't turn out well - I strongly disagree! I think we ate on it all week :)
Before we took off on our road trip from Austin to San Antonio, we took a picture by the lake with Mimi & Doc with all 5 of their grand kids:
At this point, the kids are beyond excited & then they get really disappointed that we still have to carpool & they can't ride together. That's what happens when you have 3 cars loaded down & each are packed with car seats for corresponding children :(
As soon as we get there, Sadie throws on her sunglasses & jumps our of the car. I thought she looked like a mini model soaking up the sun:
While we are unloading our car, her cousins pull up & they all run straight for the rocking chairs & hang out while the adults have to get us settled in:
After we are settled in, we grab a quick bite for dinner & think we are headed back to our rooms, until we find another surprise: S'mores!
I know for a fact this was the first time Sadie has ever had one & she fell in love quickly. We eat graham crackers & marshmallows at home, but she has never cooked her marshmallow & added chocolate to it!

In case you want to see her enjoying it more, check out the following photos. I'm sure you can see that the graham cracker is stuck to her face in the first picture & the second picture, well, it just proves her love for s'mores!

This had to be one of my favorite parts of our trip. They had s'mores every single night followed by a movie outside with popcorn under the stars. Usually, the s'mores were made outside by the fire pit, but it was kind of sprinkling this night, so we made them inside by the fireplace. Either way, I didn't care where they were made. I hate to say that I ate about 2 of them every single night.
We ended our first night with a little cousin love:
We had connecting rooms, so we thought Sadie would want to sleep with her older cousin Kason in their grandparents room, but as soon as Bryan & I left the room, she had a huge meltdown & we had to get her. Apparently, she wasn't ready for her first sleep over yet. Or she was just mega tired from traveling all day & not taking a nap.
I hate to say that this was only the beginning - we had so much fun going to Sea World & spending time at the pool. You know I go picture crazy, especially since I don't have a camera anymore & just use my I-phone - it's always with me! So I will warn you that there will be several posts this week about the Maddux Family Vacation because we had too much fun :)

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