I have to do a special blog about Sadie because she has really impressed me this week. I have always worried about her speech - nothing serious, but I have always felt like she could be saying more. Part of the problem we have discovered is that this little girl is very independent. I learn every day that she is going to do what she wants, when she wants to. I have always felt a little frustrated that she wouldn't repeat words after me as much as I wanted her to, but I am quickly learning that I think she actually talks more, when Bryan & I aren't around! Not that she's behind in anyway, but Bryan & I probably try to push her in an encouraging way. One of my biggest frustrations has been that the words she signs (please, eat, more, milk, all done) are specifically the words she will not say. She will stand in front of the refrigerator for 10 minutes straight getting so frustrated because she is signing the word for milk but she won't say it to me. Ugh! I appreciated sign language when she was younger, but it makes me wonder if I want to do it with Sophie......
All of that to say that last weekend she finally started saying the word "please". The first time she said it, Bryan & I looked at each other with excitement! And all of the sudden on Monday, she started saying "Thank you Mommy". It is the cutest little phrase & probably one of the first times it really melted my heart. Because I didn't ask her to say that - she did it all on her own. She fully understood what it meant & now she says it all the time! Bryan wasn't at home when she first said it, so I called him excitedly to share the news & now it has become a common phrase in our house :) I am hoping that since we didn't teach her to say this directly, that she learned it by example & hopefully she will start picking up other things as well.
Finally, we spent some time outside one night visiting with our neighbors while the girls ran around & played. Hadley is 4 so she is obviously more advanced than Sadie but I could not believe my eyes when Hadley taught Sadie to ride her scooter the other day! I was pretty impressed Sadie could do it - especially how fast she was doing it! We were so excited that we went straight to Wal-Mart the next day & bought her first scooter. This has become her best friend & every time we get out of the car she tries to ride it :) Luckily Bryan video taped her the other night while I was out to dinner with some girl friends. I just had to share because I still can't believe that our little girl is able to do this on her own!
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