Friday, November 29, 2013

Turkey Trot 2013

We started a new family tradition yesterday which some people might call crazy, but we had fun - we braved the cold weather early on Thanksgiving morning to participate in the North Texas Turkey Trot! There is a big Turkey Trot race in Dallas that I have always heard about, but I never wanted to fight the crowd or the traffic driving downtown on Thanksgiving, but 3 years ago, they started a race in Frisco. The race goes through downtown & is only 5 minutes away from our house, so it is much more convenient. I will admit when we signed up, I never anticipated that it would be 28 degrees outside :( Sadie & I walked the 1 mile (well technically we ran the last home stretch!) & we talked Bryan's parents into walking with us.

As you can see, we had Sadie bundled up! It was the first time in her life she actually kept her gloves & hat on the entire time, but she loved the atmosphere - all the people, the music, the commotion!
Bryan was a little more adventurous & he ran the 10K with his cousin Jennifer. This was his first time running a 10K & he did awesome - I was so proud of him!
Even though it was an early, cold morning, we were home by 10:00 & still had the rest of the day to eat, visit with family & watch football. Honestly, it was a really fun event & it was encouraging to see all of the other families there as well. I hope this is a tradition that will continue for many more turkey days to come!

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