Friday, November 22, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside.....

If your mind thinks like mine & you enjoy Christmas music, than you are probably singing that song thanks to the title of this post :) Yes, I am one of those weirdos who started listening to Christmas music this week & I am so ready for the holidays. Especially now that it is cold outside! We had a really chilly cold front blow through last night & I think the high is barely 40 for the weekend. That's cold for Texas! Especially since it was in the 70's yesterday.
I didn't have any plans with Sadie today because I knew it would be nasty outside & we have friends coming into town tonight, but I decided to venture out this morning just to run an errand. Sadie stayed in her pj's but I did bundle her up in her winter coat & hat:
In case you recognize that coat & hat, that is what we bought her for our trip to New York last December. Obviously she has grown since then, but I'm glad they still fit so we can wear them for another winter!
Luckily the weather was beautiful last weekend & I took the time to clean out the garage & do some work outside. I tried to clean all of her summer toys & put them in the garage so they would stay nice during the cold months. I have a feeling she won't be playing outside nearly as much as she did in the warmer weather. She especially will not be playing with her water table. Her swing set broke when some bigger kids were playing on it, so we threw away the broken piece & I ordered a replacement part. Technically Sadie is too big for the swing anyway, so I told Bryan we could wait & attach it next summer when baby number 2 is ready for it. But the slide is still one of Sadie's favorites, so instead of leaving it in the garage, I cleaned it up & brought it inside for the winter. This has already been a huge bonus in our house - it has helped keep early nights & cold days sane :) She thinks this is her little tree house & not only does she use it as a slide, but she also climbs up there & sits on the top & plays. She will talk on the phone, play with her baby - all sorts of fun ideas in the tree house!

I know it may junk up the living room a little, but hey, we have a toddler in the house! And it helps make this toddler happy so thanks Dad for coming up with such a good idea!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings! My name is Heather and I have a question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!
