Friday, October 18, 2013

Unexpected Road Trip

When we heard the news about my grandmother, we decided to drive to Conroe right away. It is only 3 hours from our house to my parents' house & we had enough flexibility in our schedule that I knew a few days away would be ok, even if they were planned at the last minute. As I mentioned in my last post, I was so glad we made in time for me to see my Granny one last time, but also, I think bringing Sadie helped my Dad. I am pretty sure he was in shock & still processing everything when we got there because it happened so fast. My parents snuck away from the hospital for a brief time on Sunday afternoon to meet us for lunch as soon as we got into town. You would totally think that Sadie knew something was happening, because she was all over my Dad! The whole time at lunch she was hugging him & making him smile. Man I wish I would have gotten pictures of that moment because she wasn't doing that to anyone else!
Bryan had to come back home for prior personal & work commitments, but I decided to spend a few days there to help cheer my parents up & spend some time with the family. Who knew that that Sadie would get 3 whole days of fun with her cousins?! I think Sadie & Kason spent most of their time outside with Doc. You know there is always something to be done around their house. First it was picking up all of the tree limbs:

Doc really trained these two & they think yard work is a lot of fun!
Of course we always have to feed the birds & the squirrels as well:
Zoe & Max didn't venture outside very much, but they were just as busy inside the house. Zoe recently started walking so she was trying her best to keep up with the big kids. And then there's Max - he's crawling right behind them & never wants to miss out on the action!
I didn't take many pictures while they were inside playing, but I did take a few the last morning we were there. They were having a blast playing with Doc in their bedroom. First they took turns jumping on Kason's inflatable bed (which they aren't supposed to do but every time Natalie & I tell them no, we turn around & they are at it again!):
Sweet Max stayed on the big bed because these kids were too wild for him!
Until everyone decided to join him - including Doc! I think it was a dog pile with Doc & all of his grand kids!
I know these pictures aren't the best, but I think it sums up pretty good the chaos that follows when these kiddos get together. I am so glad they are best friends & are able to help bring a smile to all of our faces, even in times of grief.
By the way, did anyone else notice that Daisy photo bombed herself in half of these pictures?!

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