Thursday, October 17, 2013

Goodbye to Granny

I love blogging because I mostly write about silly stuff that happens in our life & I post a lot of pictures of Sadie. However, today I have something more important to write about because not only have I lost one of my loyal blog followers, but I also lost my Grandmother, aka Granny. She was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer 3 or 4 weeks ago & she went to MD Anderson for treatment. Last Tuesday she had a successful surgery to remove most of the cancer & we had expected her to follow up with chemo & radiation, but unfortunately, her body was not able to recover from the surgery. She was taken to the ER twice following surgery & ultimately never came home the second time.
The good news is that she lived with my parents, so they were by her side during the entire process. And they kept my sister & I up to date, so we were both able to drive down with our kids last Sunday. Natalie & I were even fortunate enough to see her one last time before she passed.
Ultimately this came as a shock to my family. She was completely healthy until we got her cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago. She was 78 years old. What I like to remember the most, are the past 2 years we had with her. She had lived in a small town in west Texas, Pecos, until she moved in with my parents. Over the last 2 years, we have gotten to spend a lot of time with her. She was around for all of our holidays, she was there when Sadie was born & she has watched Sadie grow into the toddler she is today. She has also gotten to experience all of this with my sister & her kids as well. I went back tonight trying to find pictures of her from the last few years & most of them were with Sadie. She was proud to be a great-grandmother!

Not only was she my grandmother, she was also my personal seamstress. After I got back home this week, I realized how much she has made for me in my house from shower curtains, to bedding, to pillows, draperies, etc. She has even sewn a couple of outfits for Sadie & Zoe! But one of the most recent things she made for us was Sadie's nap mat when she started school. All of these items will remind me of my Granny as I look at them on a daily basis. And I am proud to remind Sadie that one of the last gifts she got from Granny was her nap mat that she lays on every day.

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