Friday, October 11, 2013

PJ Boo Party

Sadie & I got invited to our very first PJ Boo Party this morning & it was a lot of fun! Our MOPS table leader, Amanda, threw the party at her house for all of the Moms & kiddos in our group. We have only met a couple of times so far so I have enjoyed getting to know the other moms, but this was the first time I got to meet everyone's kids.
Amanda's house was decorated both inside & outside - she goes all out for Halloween! And her boys have so many toys that Sadie was in toy heaven :) She planned a craft for the kids & provided a lot of yummy snacks. I tried to get pictures of all the new moms in my group & I was successful in catching every mom, but maybe not every one of their children. They may have been holding 1, but the other was off playing somewhere. This first picture is Amanda - can't you just tell she is a fabulous hostess?!

I even got a picture of Sadie & I, not that I really wanted one :( I decided to try on my Halloween shirt from last year since it was pretty big - not so big anymore - it was definitely snug, but it was long enough to wear over my maternity pants just to get by for today!
Sadie was such a big girl sitting at their tall kitchen table with the other big kids. I have to admit that I was the mom who hovered over her the entire time she was sitting here though because the chair was so tall & she could barely see over the table & I was afraid that she would fall.
Of course I tried to get a group shot, but it was almost impossible with this many kids running around!
This rocking horse was by far Sadie's favorite toy of the day - I could barely get her to get off when it was time to leave.
Yes, I know her hair is crazy. Isn't it always? She actually looked pretty cute when we got there, but that's what happened after they played outside for a while. It was kind of humid so it curled up in the back & poor girl was sweating in her Halloween pj's since it was so hot outside! Luckily we have another Halloween pj party at the end of the month, so hopefully it will be cooler by that time!

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