Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Look Who I Saw Today.....

Now that I have more free time on Tuesdays & Thursdays, I have tried to volunteer more while Sadie is at school. Don't get me wrong - I still do a lot of laundry, shopping & running errands while she is away, but I am trying to volunteer as well. Today I volunteered for the Frisco Education Fund & we met at the FISD Administration Building. And you'll never guess who I saw right when I walked in?!
In case you need a closer look:
That's right - that's my husband! I technically knew the picture was hanging up there & I have seen it before because I  helped him pick it out, but I hadn't been up to the admin building since they hung it. I have to say I was quite proud! Although he may be a bit embarrassed - even more so now that I just posted it on my blog for the entire world to see!

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