Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Saturday Night Lights

I know the phrase is technically Friday Night Lights, but this time of year we are celebrating football all weekend! As much fun as we had on Friday night at the high school football game, we had even more fun on Saturday night at the Longhorn game. I know, technically they lost & it was a beating to watch the second half, but it was our first home game of the season that we went to. We dropped Sadie off at her grandparents house but she was all decked out in school spirit even though she didn't get to go:

Isn't she the cutest little Longhorn fan ever?! Bryan & I made a quick day trip to Austin so we spent a lot of time in the car, but it was nice to have some time alone. These are pretty much the equivalent to our date nights during football season :) 3-4 hours in the car each way without any distractions, so we have lots of time to catch up with each other & then we get to enjoy the game without a toddler - it's just like the old days!
We even got to see a bunch of Longhorn friends who we have been sitting with for the past 6 years, including Walt & Cindy:
Most of those guys live in the Austin area, so we only see them at home games. You probably remember seeing pictures of them last year. I really admire that they are still season ticket holders & they go to every game. I hope Bryan & I are as dedicated when we are their age!

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