Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kitchen Sidekick

We have a new sidekick in our kitchen these days:

I would say helper, but she's not quite helping yet - more like observing. It all started about a month or two ago. I keep a small step stool in my pantry because I can't reach all of the cabinets in my kitchen. One day as I was fixing dinner, she opened the pantry, picked up the stool, carried it over by me, then stood on top of it so she could watch me cook dinner. It was so cute! I hadn't told her to do that or even showed her how, but she came up with it on her own. Since then, she does this on a daily basis, whether I am making our lunch or cooking dinner. She patiently watches & is easily entertained. What's even cuter, is that when I am finished, most of the time, she picks up the stool & returns it to the pantry. I didn't teach her that either, but apparently, she learns from my example & I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!
Anyway, today Bryan joined us for lunch so I was able to snap a picture while she was watching him:
And for some reason she got really excited when she saw the loaf of bread. She was hugging it like it was one of her baby dolls!
Before I know it she will be cooking with me & not beside me! Actually, I am really looking forward to teaching her how to bake. If only I can survive the mess that a toddler makes in the kitchen!

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