Monday, September 16, 2013

Friday Night Lights

Bryan has officially been a Frisco ISD School Board Member since June, so he has already invested a lot of time volunteering with lunches, meetings, conferences, etc. They have got even busier since school started back in August, but along with all those hard working volunteer hours comes perks - such as sporting events. Bryan & I love sports, so it doesn't take much to drag us to a game. Hopefully Sadie will grow to like athletic events as much as we do. In fact, I hope to be attending her games & watching her play one of these days!
Since we didn't have any plans Friday night, we decided to go to our first Frisco high school football game. Bryan got tickets to our local school, the one where Sadie will go & the one where most of her babysitters currently go :)

In case you can't figure it out, we were cheering for the Wakeland Wolverines! And our little cheerleader had a blast at the game:

She spent half the time trying to climb up the railing so she could see better & the other half of the time she was running around playing. No matter what she was doing she would stop & clap every time she heard the rest of the spectators clap. It was so cute!
Obviously we couldn't stay the whole game since it didn't start until 7:00, but we did make it to halftime:
This was probably when she was the most mesmerized. She loved the band, the drill team & the flags. Of course we had to sneak off after half time for bed, but hopefully this is just the first of many Frisco teams we will be cheering for!

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